Whisler Edits Blog

Move Past Perfectionism and Finish Your Book!

Move Past Perfectionism and Finish Your Book!

Discover in this post … -examples of perfectionism in my own life. -the cost of staying a perfectionist. -three simple strategies to help you erase perfectionism during the drafting stage. ...more

Novel Writing

September 20, 202411 min read

How to Get Into Your Character's Head without Using Italics

How to Get Into Your Character's Head without Using Italics

Discover in this post … -the primary reason readers stop reading a book. -the most effective way to resolve a lack of character–reader connection. -specific examples that illustrate exactly how to str... ...more

Novel Writing

August 20, 20249 min read

Self-Publishing Tips to Save You Thousands of Dollars and Years of Misery: Interview with Pete Cliff

Self-Publishing Tips to Save You Thousands of Dollars and Years of Misery: Interview with Pete Cliff

Discover in this post … -the biggest mistake a multi-award-winning indie author made in his early writing career—and how he fixed it. -items to avoid when planning and writing your novel. -items to av... ...more

Novel Writing

July 20, 20248 min read

Erasing White Room Syndrome from Your Scenes

Erasing White Room Syndrome from Your Scenes

Discover in this post … -how to tell if your novel contains White Room Syndrome. -what happens in readers' minds when your scenes lack atmosphere. -two simple fixes to eliminate White Room Syndrome fr... ...more

Novel Writing

June 20, 20247 min read

Designing a Memorable Villain

Designing a Memorable Villain

Discover in this post … -The difference between an antagonist and a villain—and whether morally gray is a better choice than straight-up “evil.” -How to craft a compelling villain that readers love to... ...more

Novel Writing

May 20, 202411 min read

Interview with Michael Head: How to Become a Successful, Full-Time Fantasy Author

Interview with Michael Head: How to Become a Successful, Full-Time Fantasy Author

Discover in this post … -Michael’s exact path to financial success as an author. -the items writers should focus on if they’re looking to get serious about their writing career. -the best ways authors... ...more

Novel Writing

April 20, 202413 min read

Demystifying Character Voice  

Demystifying Character Voice  

Discover in this post … - a simple definition of character voice. - four excerpts from published novels that display strong voice. - ways to apply the methods in the excerpts to your own writing. ...more

Novel Writing

March 20, 202413 min read

How to Diagnose a Broken Scene

How to Diagnose a Broken Scene

Discover in this post … -how to decide if you should cut or keep a scene. -four ways to diagnose a broken scene. -how to fix weak scenes. ...more

Novel Writing

February 20, 202413 min read

Premise vs. Plot: Don’t Let Your Story Idea Fizzle Out

Premise vs. Plot: Don’t Let Your Story Idea Fizzle Out

Discover in this post … -the difference between premise and plot. -examples to illustrate that difference. -how knowing the distinction can help you on a practical level. ...more

Novel Writing

January 20, 20248 min read

5 Ways to Maintain Your Writing Momentum

5 Ways to Maintain Your Writing Momentum

Discover in this post … -the value of momentum in your writing. -five ways to keep you moving forward in your writing each day. -explanations of how to put the given strategies into practice. ...more

Novel Writing

December 20, 202312 min read

10 Tips for First-Rate Critique Groups

10 Tips for First-Rate Critique Groups

Discover in this post … -What’s a writing critique group? -How can joining such a group benefit me and my writing? -What are the ten most important guidelines for a successful group? ...more

Novel Writing

November 20, 202315 min read

3 Ways to Use Questions to Revolutionize Your Writing

3 Ways to Use Questions to Revolutionize Your Writing

Discover in this post … -how curiosity can serve you as a writer. -three ways to ask deeper questions to enhance your writing and writing habits. -sample questions you can ask yourself in each of the ... ...more

Novel Writing

October 20, 202311 min read

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