Book Coaching Program

Fantasy Footsteps:

Road to Publication

Do you ever think to yourself …

  • “I have ideas, but how do I transfer them to the page?”

  • “I want to move forward, not backward, in my draft.”

  • “I’ve read books, attended seminars, and listened to podcasts on writing, but I still don’t know how to write my book!”

  • “What if my writing isn’t good enough?”

  • “I want my story out in the world. I just don’t see a clear path to get there.”

If you can relate to any of these thoughts, your worries can be over within the week!

What if your writing life could look radically different?

What if you could . . .

  • Move forward in your writing every day according to a proven roadmap?

  • Overcome the mindset issues holding you back?

  • Receive personal feedback so you’re always on the right track?

  • Book 1:1 support calls with someone rooting for you?

  • Write a story that makes your target readers stand up and cheer?

I’ll let you in on a secret. All you need to succeed as a writer are three things:

1. A roadmap (so you know what to do)

2. Mindset work (so you gain the ability to do it)

3. Support, accountability, & personal feedback (to make sure it gets done!)

If you’re thinking, “Yes, please! Tell me what to do!”, I’d like to invite you to apply to my 6-month book coaching program designed specifically for fantasy writers—Fantasy Footsteps: Road to Publication.

Fantasy Footsteps: Road to Publication

I’ll be your personal guide as you rock these stages:

  • Module 1: Brainstorming & Outlining

  • Module 2: The First Draft

  • Module 3: Revising & Editing

  • Module 4: Publication

If you want to take that vital next step TODAY, book a call with me to see if the program is a perfect fit for you. You’ll notice there’s no spot on this page to plug in your credit card numbers. That’s because I genuinely only make offers to people I’ve spoken with and am confident I can help.

Once you join …

You’ll have everything you need to succeed at writing a story that resonates with your target readers.

  • No more worrying you’re no good as a writer.

  • No more stalling for weeks before you can move on to your next scene or major plot point.

  • No more uncertainty about what to do next.

  • Say goodbye to the overwhelm!

I’ll guide you step by step from A to Z, from the beginning stages of your novel (even if you have just a wisp of an idea) all the way to making the publication decisions that are right for you.


See what writers like you are saying about Fantasy Footsteps:

Nadir Shirazi

“I’ve been stalling on my Islam-inspired sci-fantasy series for 10 years. But within 10 minutes of starting Nicole’s program, I started writing again. Her warmth, friendliness, kindness, and ability to deal with eccentric people like me were the kickstart I needed to dive in. I feel like a new person.”

Amanda Emerick

“I can’t recommend Fantasy Footsteps enough to writers who are legitimately looking to polish their craft, write, and eventually publish their novel. This program presents a clear path to creating a novel from brainstorming to crafting a story. I appreciate Nicole’s honesty and reliability. I know I can count on her to talk me off a metaphorical wall when I ‘just don’t know what to do.’ Nicole is a valuable resource and has built this program around the needs of writers.”

The 3 Pillars

With the 3 pillars of Fantasy Footsteps: Road to Publication, you’ll have everything you need to write and publish a book that resonates with readers on the deepest level.

1. Roadmap

Here’s a sneak peek of some of what you’ll learn in the Roadmap section of the program:

what to focus on first to avoid the overwhelm

how to pressure-test your ideas to save yourself a TON of time down the road

the essential framework to satisfy your readers

how to write a scene that works

how to write characters readers fall in love with

how to worldbuild naturally

how to revise your novel and self-editwhen and how to use alpha and beta readers for feedback

the right publishing path for you

marketing dos and don’ts

2. Mindset

Let’s look at the second pillar of the program, Mindset, where you’ll learn strategies that revolve around . . .

overcoming fear of failure

building trust in yourself and your writing

deciding ahead of time (time management)

sustaining consistency and motivation

dealing with feedback

battling imposter syndrome

3. Support & Accountability

Last, tying it all together, is the third pillar, Support & Accountability, where you’ll get the opportunity to. . .

submit your scenes and outlines for analysis in live workshop sessions

ask questions about any aspect of the writing process, from brainstorming to publication

self-reflect over your progress each week (in a shared document so I can check in on you and write back to you!)

learn from others’ progress in addition to your own

book brainstorming and support calls with me so we can keep you moving forward toward your goals!

Frequently Asked


Looking for more info? I’ve answered some of the most common questions I receive here.

Will I receive personal attention in this program, or is this a course I complete at my own pace?

You’ll receive personal attention. I’ve created this program to benefit writers in the most effective way possible. A course alone doesn’t cut it—because who’s there to get you back on track if you stray from the path? In Fantasy Footsteps, you’ll have the opportunity to ask all your questions, get personal feedback on your scenes and outlines, and book 1:1 brainstorming and support calls with me.

As for the pacing, the 6-month program is designed for writers who want focused action steps each week—action steps they can complete whether or not they work a full-time job. The breakdown of the 6 months can be adjusted depending on what works best for you, but you’ll have the guidance you need from the brainstorming stage all the way to deciding upon your publication path.

How do I know this program will work for me?

If you’re the type of person who doesn’t ask questions when you need help, and you don’t have much interest in growing as a writer, this program will not work for you. On the other hand, if you commit to things that matter to you, ask questions as they arise, and LOVE to learn ways to improve your craft, this program will be hands-down the best investment you’ve ever made as a writer.

I’m wondering about finances. What does Fantasy Footsteps cost, and is there a payment plan available?

I always like to hop on a call with a writer before officially offering my program and going over details like cost, simply because I genuinely only make offers to people I am confident I can help and know will be a good fit. That’s why the writers in my program get results! You can book a free call anytime if you’re curious. That said, I do offer a payment plan, and it does include a monthly option.

Will I be able to keep the material from the program and use it as I write additional books in the future?

Absolutely! All the video trainings, templates, and worksheets are yours for life. You’ll be able to refer to them each time you sit down at your computer and start a new novel. No more dreaded blank screen—because you’ll always have the direction and focus you need to get words on the page!

Do you work only with fantasy writers?

Although I’ve designed Fantasy Footsteps for fantasy writers, much of the program’s contents can apply to other genres, especially if you’re writing a speculative world. If you’re curious, book a call and see if we might be a good fit!

Will you edit my novel in Fantasy Footsteps?

I’m currently not taking on new editing clients. Fantasy Footsteps is all about book coaching—supporting you and providing you with direction as you navigate brainstorming, outlining, the first draft, revision, and publication.

But don’t worry—you’ll have an opportunity each week to submit outlines and scenes for analysis, and we’ll spend 3 months in the revision stage, so you’ll know exactly how to handle revisions and editing when you get there!.

Do you publish my book and/or own any rights to it?

No and no! Your book is 100% yours. As for publishing, I focus mainly on the writing itself, but we’ll discuss publication and marketing tips, along with the best publication path for you.

So don’t wait! If you want to …

  • write your best book, one that resonates with readers

  • see your story in the world at last

  • gain confidence as a writer

  • get those 5-star reviews on Amazon and Goodreads—and know you’ve earned them

  • repeat the process each time you start a new book

Take the next step …

I’ll ask you questions about your goals and your story. If I think we’re a good fit, you can start the program within the week. And if I don’t think Fantasy Footsteps is right for you at this time, I’ll point you in the right direction. Either way, you’ll get massive clarity on your best next steps, and we’ll have fun talking about writing!

If you’re on the fence about booking a call, ask yourself, “What would my empowered future self do? The version of myself who has already published ten books and gained confidence and fulfillment along their journey? Would they hesitate? Or would they take that leap ten times over?”

I’m excited to meet you!

Capture Your Readers from Your First Scene

Download my exclusive guide—8 Mistakes to Avoid in Your Fantasy Novel’s Opening. Start your fantasy novel right!

(You will also receive monthly writing advice, updates about my free live trainings, and direct access to replays. Unsubscribe anytime.)

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