Resources For Writers

Here are some of my favorite resources for writers. A few are geared toward screenwriting, but I’ve found that studying story through film has a host of universal benefits. Screenwriting, as simply another form of story, helps you examine the bones of your novel’s structure and ensure each piece adds to your overall vision. Add these books, podcasts, websites, and other resources to your writing toolbox to augment your writing at any stage.

Books on craft, inspiration, and self-editing

Stephen King gives an entertaining account of his career and delivers valuable insights about the craft of writing.

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A best-selling author and writing educator applies Blake Snyder’s screenwriting structure to novel writing.

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An acclaimed author and writing mentor outlines a story structure that will guarantee a strong foundation for your plot and character arcs.

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A screenwriting professor studies the character actions all successful films have in common and suggests practical ways for you to embed them in your own story.

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Bird by Bird  by Anne Lamott

A renowned novelist and writing teacher shares her personal observations and advice about the writer's life.

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An international film consultant examines how theme brings meaning and emotional depth to your writing.

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An executive editor and editorial director provides a useful handbook for writing and publishing children's and YA books.

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An experienced book editor proposes a clear system to help identify what's working and not working within your novel.

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Books on grammar, word usage, and line editing

The internet’s popular Grammar Girl explains rules relating to grammar and word choice in an easily digestible way.

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A witty English professor corrects commonly confused expressions and mangled speech in this useful and amusing reference book.

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The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White

This little booklet focuses on helping you communicate clearly and correctly while writing.

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The Chicago Manual of Style by University of Chicago Press

This comprehensive American English style guide, commonly used in the areas of history, religion, philosophy, and the arts, includes topics that range from manuscript preparation to editorial practice to grammar and punctuation. I use this style guide in my editing, but if you’re traditionally publishing, be sure to follow whichever guide adheres to your publisher’s standards.

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A veteran editor, writer, and podcaster expands upon common line issues in fiction, allowing writers to self-edit at sentence level.

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Brandon Sanderson, Mary Robinette Kowal, Howard Tayler, and Dan Wells host a fifteen-minute podcast that explores a variety of techniques designed to help writers at all stages.

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International speaker, author, and entrepreneur Joanna Penn conducts interviews and shares her wealth of knowledge about making a living as a writer. You can view her full website here.

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Mignon Fogarty provides short, friendly tips to improve the accuracy of your writing. For further grammatical help, click here.

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Seasoned book editor Shawn Coyne teaches beginning fiction writer (and marketing expert) Tim Grahl how to write a book people will read. You can find the full website here.

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Supplemental Resources

This magazine’s collection of how-to articles, interviews, market listings, and further resources belongs on every writer’s shelf.

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Brandon Sanderson’s YouTube Lectures

Epic fantasy and science fiction author Brandon Sanderson offers free YouTube videos of his thorough and insightful creative writing courses at Brigham Young University.

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